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Food Allergy Awareness week

Hospital admissions for severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) have doubled over the last decade in Australia, USA and the UK. In Australia, admissions for anaphylaxis due to food allergy in children aged 0 to 4 are even higher, having increased five fold over the same period.

Australia has one of the highest reported incidences of food allergies in the world, and one in 10 babies born in Australia today will develop a food allergy.


There are several ways that you can Show You Care during Food Allergy Week 2015

• Paint one nail to symbolise that one in 10 babies born in Australia today will develop a food allergy and post a pic on your social media channels using #allergyaware

• Make a donation at

• Adopt an allergy for one day to better understand the challenges allergy sufferers face every single day

• Download a badge from the food allergy aware website to use through your social media channels

Im-allergy-aware-badge_white 2015.png

For further information, please visit

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